Thursday, February 26, 2009

Beauty in the Beastly weather

Flakes as big as your house!
The most exciting part of my day...a drive by crash, its sort of like a drive in movie only more destructive.
What Burley wind can do to your standard...
So what do old farts talk about? The weather. Now that Im an old fart lets talk about the weather. First rule of living in Burley- dont bother fixing your hair. IF you leave the house when its only slightly windy be assured that a half hour later when you come out of wally world it will be snowing like crazy. See that basketball standard? As we were coming home from Utah on Tuesday we saw it tipped over in the yard. We wondered who would be so rude as to push it over. Then we saw part of the shingling coming off our well. That is when we realized it was the WIND! I think mother nature was born and raised in hawaii and has an evil step sister in Burley.
I think we will just leave the basketball standard down until it stops blowing so hard. Oh wait, that aint gonna happen. The large flakes must have caused this accident on overland and about 16th. I thank my photographer for the pictures. She takes very nice self portraits, doesn't she.


  1. Overland and 21st, as the sign clearly states.

    Sorry, I'm kind of in a bratty mood today. I'll leave you alone now. ; )

    Love you.

    Can't wait to see your house.

  2. I am with you on the hair thing. I didn't really know my hair could look good until I left home. Wind is the worst- remember track meets? Ugh/
